WEBS (2018/2020) is an Erasmus best practice exchange practice between four European bilingual schools.
WEBS Bilingualism (2020/2022) is WEBS follow-up exchange project between further four bilingual schools.
I.E.S. Carmen y Severo Ochoa
Carmen and Severo Ochoa School is placed in Luarca, a rural area in the principality of
Asturias.Luarca has about 5000 inhabitants and the main economic activities are fishing, farming
and tourism.
The students in our school come fromall the surrounding areas.They are aged between
12 and 18.The school offers Compulsory Secondary Education, A Levels (Science and Technology,
Humanities and Social Sciences, and Arts) and Vocational Training (medium grade studies) on
Electronics, Business Management and Mechanics. In our school, we are trying to give the students a comprehensive education and prepare them to cope with higher studies or with the world of work.
Our students are offered the possibility of having lessons in French and English as mediums of
instruction as part of a multilingual education programme.
Teachers run different workshops which deal with cooperative learning, eTwinning projects, ICT, the library as a tool and Project Based Learning. The multilingual section of our school is focused on finding the way to make our students improve their communicative competence by means of CLIL subjects such as History and Geography, Maths, Technology and Biology.
This project will mean that our students will have to communicate with foreign students in real
communicative situations and they will have the opportunity to get to know different cultures and ways of life, something that not many of them cannormally do. As we live far from the main urban areas, our students, except for those who take part in the school annual exchange with a school in France, don't usually get in touch with foreign teenagers.
We only have about ten students from different countries in our school. Thanks to the partnership with schools from other countries our students will find new horizons and even help them have better job prospects, immersed as we are in a dynamic of continuous displacement and mobility all over Europe. This project is about understanding and improving the bilingual schools system and about improving our students’ communicative competence, especially in foreign languages.
Our school has offered bilingual education in French for twelve years and in French and English for four years. The teachers will have the opportunity of learning form other colleagues that share the same interests and goals. Our school also provides our students with the opportunity of taking the First and CAE exams in order to certificate their English level and also the DELF B1 and B2 exams so that they certificate their level in French.