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Collège Jacques Monod​


A state secondary school in the small town of Les Pennes Mirabeau, France, just outside the city limits of Marseille, Collège Jacques Monod offers a comprehensive education to 720 students, from 6e to 3e, aged 11-14 years old. A British International Section was opened as a part of the school in 2009, and the general school project boasts a focus on a international and European projects.

The majority of students at Monod study English as a modern foreign language, followed by Italian, Spanish, or German ; a number of students are part of the International Section. These students are recruited according to their level of English, and follow a programme of study based on the National Curriculum in England. They study English literature and language, with a native speaker, trained in the French education system. History, Geography and Civics are also studied in English within the International Section, following the syllabus given in the French National Curriculum. All other subjects are taught in French. These students have various profiles. Some are already bilingual French-English ; others are French nationals returning from an international stay ; some are speakers of other languages with a high propensity for language learning ; others yet are English speakers, newly arrived in France. The financial help provided Erasmus will enable students from all backgrounds to participate.

Several teachers and staff members in the school participated in an inter-catergory Erasmus + mobility programme in 2017, observing best practice in Finland, Scotland and Italy as a part of the Pime AM 2 project, focused on employability, inclusion and citizenship. The school also benefited from a Lefèvre grant, enabling reciprocal mobilities on an exchange project over 18 months in Glasgow. Students studying German as their second language have also participated in the Brigitte Sauzay exchange programme..

This will be the school's first Erasmus+ project, which follows the direction the school has been taking over the past 9 years. The school has been particularly active in eTwinning, with Heather Bainbridge who is an ambassador for the programme at Collège Monod, and many European quality labels and two first prizes in the European competitions.The school has recently obtained the 'Euroscol' label.

Cultural and linguistic exchanges have been organised for many years at the school and this new step taking part in the WEBS common roots project fits clearly into the action plan for the coming years at Monod, as a major focus of our school vision is opening up international links in Europe.

The group of teachers involved is led by Heather Bainbridge, head of the International Section and teacher of English literature and language. The team will work together focusing on this new WEBS Common Roots project with our partners in other bilingual schools, in the hope that we will learn from more experienced teams and contribute to successful eTwinning projects too.

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